Birthing From Within

In this class, we’ll use a variety of hands-on and multi sensory approaches to explore the intellectual and instinctual aspects of childbirth.

  • We’ll examine what happens to the body and mind during labor and delivery.
  • Understand the differences in cultural perceptions of pain.
  • Learn mindfulness practices to help cope with the intensity of labor.
  • Share multiple approaches to the birth experience.

Small class sizes allow us to tailor each class to the specific needs and interests of the participants.

Class Overview

Understanding Childbirth

  • Birth wishes and intentions
  • The physical, mental and emotional processes of labor and birth
  • How labor works, what it looks like, what to do
  • The role of hormones and birth physiology
  • Evidence-based research and how to make decisions in awareness

The Childbirth Experience

  • Assumptions about pain
  • The role of Partners and Birth Companions
  • Coping practices, positions and hands on support for labor
  • How to cope with unexpected surprises
  • Honoring Childbirth as a profound rite of passage and birth as a Heroic journey

Postpartum Recovery

  • Healing after birth
  • Newborn appearance and procedures
  • Bonding with your baby
  • Feeding your baby
  • The postpartum return

Testimonials (Read More)

I loved the safe setting. It was a great place for [my husband] and I to share our thoughts, fears, and questions about childbirth. I loved the fact that it didn’t teach a particular method, but rather helped us learn about our own coping skills, and learn how to tap into that strength during labor.

Leta M.

We took the Birthing From Within weekend immersion class with Christine D’Esposito. It was amazing and got more than we anticipated out of the experience. Would recommend this to any new parents. Christine was professional, kind, warm, and extremely knowledgeable. Well worth the cost of the class!

Cora L.